Got questions? We’ve got the answers. All the good stuff in one place—just like a Lunch Mate™ lunch kit. Enjoy!


Got questions? We’ve got the answers. All the good stuff in one place—just like a Lunch Mate™ lunch kit. Enjoy!

Where to buy Lunch Mate™ Lunch Kits? Toggle FAQ Item

Lunch Mate™ lunch kits are located at all major conventional, discount and mass merchant grocery stores nationally.

Why did you replace the Fuzzy Peaches, Nerds and Sweet Tarts with new treats options? Toggle FAQ Item

Lunch Mate™ brand saw a growing demand for healthier products free of artificial colour and flavours. Our focus is to continually provide nutritious and wholesome products where we removed all artificial colours and flavours from our products. You can now find new delicious treats that are free of artificial colours and flavours!

Do any of the Lunch Mate™ brand products contain peanuts, tree nuts or shellfish? Toggle FAQ Item

No all our Lunch Mate™ brand products are made in a Peanut free, Tree Nut free and Shellfish free facility.

Are Lunch Mate™ lunch kits pre-cooked or do I need to prepare them? Toggle FAQ Item

The product is fully cooked and can be eaten as is. There is no cooking required but some varieties have heating instructions. Product should remain refrigerated always and can be packed in lunches with a cooler/ice pack.

Do I need to heat these Lunch Mate™ lunch kits? Toggle FAQ Item

No. The Lunch Mate™ lunch kits are fully cooked and ready to eat. If heating is preferred, heating directions are provided on the package.

Where should I store Lunch Mate™ lunch kits? Toggle FAQ Item

The product should remain refrigerated at all times. Freezing is not recommended. When packing for lunches, it is recommended to use a cooler/ice pack.

Does the packaging contain BPA - Bisphenol A? Toggle FAQ Item

No Bisphenol A within the Lunch Kits.

Why is the Lunch Mate™ Club loyalty program ending? Toggle FAQ Item

Over the past 5 years, Schneiders is proud to have provided more than 300,000 rewards to our customers through the Lunch Mate™ Club. Canadians have great love for Lunch Mate as a product for their families, but participation in the Lunch Mate™ Club program is low and unsustainable so, unfortunately, the program is coming to an end.

When is the Lunch Mate™ Club Program ending? Toggle FAQ Item

The Lunch Mate™ Club will end on July 31, 2018, and no new PINs will be released after April 1, 2018. Now is the time to use your PINs to redeem great rewards. All PINs will expire on July 31, 2018. However, until then, participants can load up to 10 PINs in a 24-hour period, three times per month. The gift redeeming process will stay the same through July 31, 2018: one gift per 24-hour period, three times per month.

Where can I find Lunch Mate™ brand promotions/coupons? Toggle FAQ Item

Generally, coupons for Lunch Mate™ brand products are associated with in-store promotions or various other promotional activities, such as flyers and direct mail. The best way to stay informed about special discount offers is through our Facebook pages: www.facebook.com/Lunchmate.